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Your Ad in 1 Million Papers, Only $180! (from #date_start# till #date_end#)

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Date: 2024-09-08 00:30:36 EDT

Price: $n/a

Try out this 1 million circulation special for only $180.00! Nationwide Newspapers will select 20 different cities to place your ad in nationwide, each with a circulation of 30,000 to 80,000. Great for test marketing your ads. We select 20 cities from a group of the hottest weekly American Classifieds(Thrifty Nickels), and other weeklies. This price is for a 20 word ad for one week. Each additional word over 20 words is $10.00 per word. (.50 per word per publication). Deadline is each Monday at 3:00 for Thursday publication.  Questions?  Call Nationwide Newspapers at 407-909-1644. 

Follow this link to place your ad: http://www.nationwideadvertising.com/natclasnet.html


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PostingID: 2620939, Hits: 879, User ID: 21

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