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Fun Sales Job! Hiring Now! Great Opportunity! (from #date_start# till #date_end#)

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Date: 2024-09-07 21:06:13 EDT

Compensation: $n/a

We sell fun to all types of businesses.

Easy Sell. Average sell is $1000.00 with a 15% Commission, you will make an average of $150.00 to $200.00 per sell plus more! We sell season tickets for most Sporting Events, Ski Resorts, Water Parks, Theme Parks and many more industries! Job consists of working from home (Remote Positions/Job) and you must have/supply your own phone, computer, internet and work place/space. We prefer sales experience and professionalism!

Please call Bob at 910-338-6838 for further details or if interested in this great opportunity!


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PostingID: 17363363, Hits: 356, User ID: 3

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