Airway Heights > Services > Cable/Satellite/TV > NO MONEY DOWN CABLE Get an All-Digital Satellite System for just $35/mo.

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NO MONEY DOWN CABLE Get an All-Digital Satellite System for just $35/mo. (from #date_start# till #date_end#)

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Date: 2024-09-07 20:54:23 EDT

: $n/a


Get an All-Digital Satellite

System for just $35/mo. New

callers get free dvr upgrade

and free movie channels with

no money down. So CALL

NOW 888-919-4633 a>





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Bethany Nicholson

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This was actually a good deal

2017-12-12 10:04:14

My husband and I hate shopping for new tv service. However, we moved into a new home and had to do the inevitable. As much as we were dreading the process, our sales rep made us feel like royalty. They answered EVERY SINGLE tedious question my husband and I had. They exposed any and all hidden charges and it turned out to be...this was actually a great deal!Plus we got a free $100 visa gift card jus for signing up! We're happy as kids at Christmas right now! :)

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