Aberdeen Gardens > Services > Advertising > Advertise in the USA TODAY Weekend (Friday) edtion. Circulation: 2,567,381. Price includes a 4 line ad(approximately 32 characters or 4 words per line) for the Weekend Edition (Friday) in the USA TODAY!

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Advertise in the USA TODAY Weekend (Friday) edtion. Circulation: 2,567,381. Price includes a 4 line ad(approximately 32 characters or 4 words per line) for the Weekend Edition (Friday) in the USA TODAY! (from #date_start# till #date_end#)

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Date: 2024-09-08 00:28:47 EDT

Price: $n/a

Advertise in the USA TODAY Weekend (Friday) edtion. Circulation: 2,567,381.

Price includes a 4 line ad(approximately 32 characters or 4 words per line) for the Weekend Edition (Friday) in the USA TODAY! Additional lines are $85.00 per line.  Price for 4 lines for the Friday Edition is $340.00

Deadline is Wednesday at noon for the Friday edition. For multiple Fridays, please enter the number of days in the quantity box, and specify the days you want the ad to run. 

Click on this link to place your ad:  http://www.nationwideadvertising.com/adinusatofrw.html .


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