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BEWARE OF PORCH PIRATES Support a veteran / inventor by sending $15.00 (postage and handling included) for the cost of a sign (from #date_start# till #date_end#)

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Date: 2024-09-07 22:14:40 EDT

Price: $n/a

BEWARE OF PORCH PIRATES Support a veteran / inventor by sending $15.00 (postage and handling included) to cover the cost for a sign, for a "8.5 x 11"sign (waterproof) to help avoid package thief at your front door year round. Your help will be greatly appreciated send check or money order payable to: Cornervision@ / William E. Dyson III 60 Hamilton Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20011-3312 202-829-5893 ph/fax atoll319@aol.com OR Credit card orders send or call to: KUUMBA KOLLECTIBLES 312 Florida Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20001 202-797-8823 Ph 202-797-8824 fax www.kuumbakollectibles.com kuumbakollectibles@gmail.com kkpress1988@gmail.com Please pass this out to your friends and family members thankyou. Thank you for your support for a veteran. ORDER FORM NAME:_________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________________________________ CITY AND STATE_______________________________________________________ ZIP CODE______________________________________________________________ How many:_________________________ Amount enclosed:____________________ Credit Card Orders: Account#_________________________________________________ Expiration Date____________________________________________ Signature__________________________________________________ You may also purchase my books on Xlibris Publishing.com, Amazon.com, Booksamillion.com, Barns&Noble.com or my website: www.dysonsfbooks.com


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2018-08-08 12:19:20

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