East Hill-Meridian > Community > Events > 1,300 MILE TEXAS TRACTOR TOUR. Started Oct.14th; 850 on 10/31; DFW & SA next. Bringing attention to Jim Baker's new Theory of Everything. jbak007@clear.net Twitter: #1300miletour #tractorjim

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1,300 MILE TEXAS TRACTOR TOUR. Started Oct.14th; 850 on 10/31; DFW & SA next. Bringing attention to Jim Baker's new Theory of Everything. jbak007@clear.net Twitter: #1300miletour #tractorjim (from 2014-11-05 till 2014-11-19)

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Date: 2024-09-07 21:20:10 EDT

Price: $n/a

1,300 MILE TEXAS TRACTOR TOUR. Started Oct.14th; 850 on 10/31; DFW & SA next. Bringing attention to Jim Baker's new Theory of Everything. jbak007@clear.net Twitter: #1300miletour #tractorjim


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